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per pagina
  • The Czechoslovak Socialist Republik - Z. Suda
    The Czechoslovak Socialist Republik - Z. Suda

    Voor informatie: zie de foto's: 2, 3 en 4.

    Voor de inhoud: zie foto 4.

    Auteur : Zdenek Suda
    Artikelnummer : BF3762
    Categorie(ën) : Geschiedenis / antiquarische boeken / Engelstalige boeken
    Taal : Engels
    ISBN : Niet…

    € 27,30 € 19,99
  • in prijs verlaagd

    The Eastern Question 1774-1923 - M.S. Anderson
    The Eastern Question 1774-1923 - M.S. Anderson

    A study in International Relations.

    Voor informatie: zie foto 2.

    Voor de inhoud: zie de foto's 3 en 4.

    M.S. Anderson was a student at Edinburgh University during the war years, returning after a period in the Royal Air Force to…

    € 326,60 € 19,99
  • The End of the Soviet Empire - H. Carrere d'Encausse
    The End of the Soviet Empire - H. Carrere d'Encausse

    Shows how the rise of nationalism in the former Soviet republics stripped the Communist Party of legitimacy and led inevitably to the revolution of 1991. D'Encausse does not view nationalism as a sinister phenomenon, arguing…

    € 27,60 € 19,99
  • The Foe Within - W.C. Fuller, jr.
    The Foe Within - W.C. Fuller, jr.

    Fantasies of treason and the end of imperial Russia.

    In the early morning of March 19, 1915, Lt. Colonel S. N. Miasoedov, a former gendarme officer on active duty with the Russian army in World War I, was hanged after a two-hour…

    € 29,45 € 19,99
  • The Formation of National States in Western Europe - Ch. Tilly
    The Formation of National States in Western Europe - Ch. Tilly

    Studies of political development have traditionally focused on emerging countries with the shortest histories and poorest documentary records. This book brings the discussion into a realm where the time span is considerable and…

    € 26,85 € 19,99
  • The Fourth Service. Merchantmen at War, 1939-45 - J. Slader
    The Fourth Service. Merchantmen at War, 1939-45 - J. Slader

    Het boek bevat 79 illustraties en een Index of Ships.

    Voor de inhoud: zie foto 2.

    Auteur : John Slader
    Artikelnummer : BF8152
    Categorie : Oorlog / maritiem / Engelstalige boeken
    Taal : Engels
    ISBN : 9780709048480
    Uitgever :…

    € 30,99 € 19,99
  • The German bourgeoisie - D. Blackbourn / R.J. Evans
    The German bourgeoisie - D. Blackbourn / R.J. Evans

    The German bourgeoisie has received a consistently bad press from historians through the decades. It has been blamed for succumbing to the lure of titles and honours, for being enticed away from its historic committment to liberal…

    € 26,18 € 19,99
  • The German historians - F. Kautz
    The German historians - F. Kautz

    Hitler's willing executioners and Daniel Goldhagen.

    In an attempt to understand why leading German historians dismissed, outright, Goldhagen's groundbreaking international bestseller, Fred Kautz subjects the public and private…

    € 28,99 € 19,99
  • The gospels and Jesus - G.N. Stanton
    The gospels and Jesus - G.N. Stanton

    Jesus of Nazareth and the four New Testament gospels continue to fascinate people from many cultural and religious backgrounds. Who was Jesus? Are Christian claims about him supported by solid historical evidence? How reliable are…

    € 31,45 € 19,99
  • in prijs verlaagd

    The growth of responsible government in Stuart England - C. Roberts
    The growth of responsible government in Stuart England - C. Roberts

    Professor Clayton Roberts opens his book with the assertion that the responsibilities assumed by Sir Robert Walpole as the leading minister of George I differed markedly from those borne by Lord Burghley as the most trusted…

    € 29,99 € 19,99
  • The history of Dutch Jewry during the Emancipation Period, 1787-1815 - J. Michman
    The history of Dutch Jewry during the Emancipation Period, 1787-1815 - J. Michman

    GESIGNEERD en met een kort dankwoord van de auteur.

    Voor de samenvatting: zie foto 2.

    Voor de inhoud: zie foto 3.

    Auteur : Jozeph Michman
    Artikelnummer : BF0354
    Categorie(ën) : Geschiedenis / Engelstalige boeken
    Taal :…

    € 28,70 € 19,99
  • The Humanum Studies 1969-1975 - D. Jenkins
    The Humanum Studies 1969-1975 - D. Jenkins

    A collection of documents.

    Voor de inhoud: zie foto 2.

    Auteur : David Jenkins
    Artikelnummer : BF0681
    Categorie : Godsdienst en theologie / Engelstalige boeken
    Taal : Engels
    ISBN : 2825405086 / 9782825405086
    Uitgever : World…

    € 32,95 € 19,99
  • The Jewish Fake Book - V. Pasternak
    The Jewish Fake Book - V. Pasternak

    Boek met weinig tekst, maar vol notenbalken. met meer dan 200 Engelstalige songs.

    Voor de inhoud: zie de foto's 2 en 3.

    Auteur : Velbel Pasternak
    Artikelnummer : BF2205
    Categorie : Muziek / Engelstalige boeken
    Taal : Engels

    € 27,75 € 19,99
  • The Jews of the Soviet Union - B. Pinkus
    The Jews of the Soviet Union - B. Pinkus

    This is a comprehensive and topical history of the Jews in the Soviet Union and is based on firsthand documentary evidence and the application of a pioneering research method into the fate of national minorities. Within a…

    € 26,95 € 19,99
  • The Kaiser's Pirates - J. Walter
    The Kaiser's Pirates - J. Walter

    German surface raiders in World War One.

    Het boek bevat tientallen zwart/wit foto's, afbeeldingen en landkaarten.

    Voor de samenvatting: zie foto 2.

    Auteur : John Walter
    Artikelnummer : BF0894
    Categorie : Maritiem / Engelstalige…

    € 28,95 € 19,99
  • The KGB plays chess - B. Gulko / V. Popov / Y. Felshtinsky / V. Kortschnoi
    The KGB plays chess - B. Gulko / V. Popov / Y. Felshtinsky / V. Kortschnoi

    The KGB Plays Chess is a unique book. For the first time it opens to us some of the most secret pages of the history of chess. The battles about which you will read in this book are not between chess masters sitting at the chess…

    € 32,95 € 19,99
  • in prijs verlaagd / opruimprijs

    The King's servants. The Civil Service of Charles I, 1625-1642 - G.E. Aylmer
    The King's servants. The Civil Service of Charles I, 1625-1642 - G.E. Aylmer

    Voor de samenvatting: zie foto 2.

    Voor de inhoud: zie de foto's 3 en 4.

    Auteur : G.E. Aylmer
    Artikelnummer : BF8146
    Categorie(ën) : Geschiedenis / antiquarische boeken / Engelstalige boeken
    Taal : Engels
    ISBN : Niet…

    € 44,50 € 19,99
  • The last day - G. Kleier
    The last day - G. Kleier

    A geological phenomenon of earth-shattering proportions takes place on the eve of the third millennium, followed by reports of a woman with supernatural powers, sending a jaded television reporter on a dangerous quest for the…

    € 19,99
  • The Liberation Movement in Russia, 1900-1905 - S. Galai
    The Liberation Movement in Russia, 1900-1905 - S. Galai

    Voor de samenvatting: zie foto 2.

    Voor de inhoud: zie foto 3.

    Auteur : Shmuel Galai, Lecturer in Russian History, Tel-Aviv University
    Artikelnummer : BF7499
    Categorie(ën) : Geschiedenis / Engelstalige boeken
    Taal : Engels

    € 30,25 € 19,99
  • The life of Jane Austen - J. Halperin
    The life of Jane Austen - J. Halperin

    An excellent book, agreeably and lucidly written, detailed without being repetitive, exhaustive without being exhausting... a book for the informed but not necessarily academic reader. Fay Weldon, author of Letters to On First…

    € 27,95 € 19,99
  • The life of Jesus - F. Buechner
    The life of Jesus - F. Buechner


    - Annunciation

    - Nativity

    - Ministry

    - Last supper

    - Crucifixion

    - Resurrection.

    De foto's zijn gemaakt door Lee Boltin.

    Auteur : Frederick Buechner
    Artikelnummer : BF2166
    Categorie : Godsdienst en theologie /…

    € 19,99


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