Engelstalige boeken / English language books
Sjakie’s prijzen zijn INCLUSIEF VERZENDKOSTEN, binnen Nederland; naar het buitenland: met toeslag.
- Gladstone - R. Jenkins
William Gladstone was, with Tennyson, Newman, Dickens, Carlyle, and Darwin, one of the stars of nineteenth-century British life. He spent sixty-three of his eighty-nine years in the House of Commons and was prime minister four…
€ 16,49 - Godforsaken - D. D'Souza
For a lot of people, the biggest question about God is not, surprisingly enough, whether he exists. Instead, it is about whether God is truly good. Dinesh D'Souza, in his debates with leading atheists, quickly realized that many…
€ 16,49 in prijs verlaagd
Guide to the Slavonic languages - R.G.A. de BrayIn dit unieke en monumentale werk van Prof. R.G.A. de Bray, kan menig student en andere lezers snel zich de Slavische taal eigen maken.
1. Old Slavonic (Old Bulgarian)
2. Russian
3. Ukrainian
4. Byelorussian
5.…€ 27,20 € 16,49in prijs verlaagd
Gulag. A history of the Soviet camps - A. ApplebaumWe know a great deal about the Nazi death camps, but almost nothing about the vast network of labour camps which were once scattered across Russia - from the White Sea to the Black Sea, and from the Arctic circle to the plains of…
€ 27,95 € 16,49in prijs verlaagd
Handbook of spinal anaesthesia and analgesia - B.C. Covino / D.B. Scott / D.H. LambertHet boek bevat enkele tientallen illustraties. en een register.
Voor de inhoud: zie de foto's 2 en 3.
Auteurs : Benjamin G. Covino / D. Bruce Scott / Donald H. Lambert
Artikelnummer : BF7817
Categorie : Gezondheid en medisch /…€ 19,99 € 16,49- Henry James and Edith Wharton. Letters: 1900-1915 - L.H. Powers
Voor informatie: zie de foto's 2 en 3.
Voor de inhoud: zie de foto's 4 en 5.
Inclusief zwart/wit illustraties.
Auteur : Lyall H. Powers
Artikelnummer : BF7981
Categorie : Biografieën/waargebeurd / Engelstalige boeken
Taal :…€ 16,49 - Historians I have known - A.L. Rowse
Voor informatie: zie foto 2.
Voor de inhoud: zie foto 3.
Auteur : A.L. Rowse
Artikelnummer : BF8131
Categorie(ën) : Geschiedenis / Engelstalige boeken
Taal : Engels
ISBN : 9780715626498
Uitgever : Duckworth
Druk : 1
Jaar :…€ 16,49 in prijs verlaagd
Historical Dictionary of Fascist Italy - P.V. CannistraroThe most comprehensive reference work on Italian fascism and a most welcome one.
Auteur : Philip V. Cannistraro
Artikelnummer : BF7038
Categorie : Geschiedenis / antiquarische boeken / Engelstalige boeken
Taal : Engels
ISBN :…€ 19,99 € 16,49- History in our time - D. Cannadine
This work is a collection of writings by David Cannadine, an historical essayist. Cannadinene's subject is 19th and 20th-century Britain, from Winston Churchill to Margaret Thatcher, King Edward VIII to Diana, Princess of Wales.…
€ 16,49 in prijs verlaagd / opruimprijs
History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, BolsheviksShort course.
Voor informatie: zie de foto's 2 en 3.
Voor de inhoud: zie de foto's 4 t/m 8.
Het boek heeft een leeslint.
Auteur : A commission of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (B.).
Artikelnummer :…€ 19,99 € 16,49- Hitler's silent partners - I. Vincent
Swiss banks, nazi gold and the pursuit of justice.
Beginning in the early 1930s, when Swiss bankers allowed Jews to open numbered, untraceable accounts, assuring them absolute secrecy and anonymity from the Nazis, this is the…€ 16,49 - Home Truths - M. Gallant
Arranged in sixteen stories in three sections, this volume includes a group of wide-ranging tales set in Canada, stories under the heading "Canadians Abroad," in which Canadians confront the subtleties and sophistication of…
€ 16,49 - i Comrades! - P. Preston
Portraits from the Spanish war.
This is a bravura new interpretation of the course, causes and characters of the Spanish Civil War, which remains the twentieth century's bloodiest internal conflict. Any analysis of the war has…€ 16,49 in prijs verlaagd / opruimprijs
In Churchill's shadow - D. CannadineConfronting the Past in Modern Britain.
David Cannadine is widely regarded as one of the most insightful historians of modern Britain--and certainly one of the most witty and entertaining. His most recent book, Ornamentalism, a…€ 17,99 € 16,49- In Praise of Hard Industries - E. Fingleton
Challenging conventional wisdom, Eamonn Fingleton argues that manufacturing expertise -- not the new information economy -- is crucial to jobs, exports, and growth. It is universally accepted that the future of the U.S. economy…
€ 16,49 in prijs verlaagd
Intermediate New Testament Greek - R.A. YoungA linguistic and exegetical approach.
Beyond simply presenting New Testament grammar, this book helps students learn to use their knowledge of Greek in the exegesis of the New Testament.
Auteur : Richard A. Young
Artikelnummer :…€ 22,90 € 16,49- International authors and writers who's who 1976 - E. Kay
- Foreword by the editorial director
- Abbreviations (afkortingen)
- Biographical section
- List of literary agents.
Auteur : Ernest Kay
Artikelnummer : BF6932
Categorie : Overig / Engelstalige boeken
Taal :…€ 29,95 € 16,49 in prijs verlaagd
Interpreting the Russian Revolution - O. Figes / B. KolonistkiiThe Language and Symbols of 1917.
The authors examine the diverse ways that language and other symbols - flags, songs, codes of dress - were used to identify competing sides and to create new meanings in the political struggle of…€ 17,99 € 16,49- Intimacy and terror - V. Garros / N. Korenevskaya / T. Lahusen
The private lives of a broad section of Russians who lived during Stalin's purge are revealed in this book. The nine diaries here capture the day-to-day thoughts of these people, and represent a vast selection of opinions, from…
€ 16,49 - Jane Austen. A life - C. Tomalin
The six great novels of Jane Austen picture a world of civility and reassuring stability. Was this the world she lived in? Not quite,as this fascinating biography shows. From local archives Claire Tomalin has reconstructed the…
€ 16,49 - Judas Iscariot and the Myth of Jewish Evil - H. Maccoby
Maccoby shows that in the earliest texts relating to the life of Jesus, no special or sinister role was ascribed to Judas Iscariot. He argues that the evil Judas was an invention of later Christians who wished to distance…
€ 16,49