Engelstalige boeken / English language books

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  • Dutch Dictionary Dutch-English and English-Dutch - F.G. Renier
    Dutch Dictionary Dutch-English and English-Dutch - F.G. Renier

    This two-way dictionary is ideal for both linguists and learners of Dutch. Translations are accurate and supported by relevant examples. Compact and concise, the dictionary is an invaluable reference source. Entries are…

    € 15,99
  • Early Flemish Painting - J.-C. Frere
    Early Flemish Painting - J.-C. Frere

    Introduces the reader to an innovating, realistic style which at times approaches "super-realism". Echoing the painters themselves and their taste for meticulous detail, the reader is invited to contemplate background landscapes,…

    € 15,99
  • Easter everywhere - D. Steinke
    Easter everywhere - D. Steinke

    The daughter of a minister and a former beauty queen, Darcey Steinke recalls accompanying her father on sick calls, stopping by the scene of accidents, and holding her own pretend wedding and funeral services. Her father's first…

    € 15,99
  • in prijs verlaagd

    Econometric, models, techniques and applications - M.D. Intriligator
    Econometric, models, techniques and applications - M.D. Intriligator

    For advanced undergraduate/graduate- level courses in Econometrics. This text surveys the theories, techniques (model-building and data collection), and applications of econometrics. It focuses on those aspects of econometrics…

    € 23,50 € 15,99
  • English as we speak it in Ireland - P.W. Joyce
    English as we speak it in Ireland - P.W. Joyce

    Voor de inhoud: zie foto 2.

    Auteur : P.W. Joyce
    Artikelnummer : BF2535
    Categorie : Geschiedenis / Engelstalige boeken
    Taal : Engels
    ISBN : 0905473760 / 9780905473765
    Uitgever : Wolfhound press
    Druk : 1
    Jaar : 1979
    Pagina's :…

    € 20,99 € 15,99
  • Enjoy!  - Ch. Sinclair-Stevenson
    Enjoy! - Ch. Sinclair-Stevenson

    Jennifer Paterson - noisy, jolly, fun, acerbic had a legion of friends and admirers. From her job as a cook for the Spectator, where she was famously sacked for throwing the dishes out the window, to her phenomenal success as half…

    € 23,00 € 15,99
  • Entering the Sacred Mountain - D.A. Cooper
    Entering the Sacred Mountain - D.A. Cooper

    A student of mysticism for over thirty years, David Cooper has engaged in an intense spiritual journey for the last sixteen that has led him from a secluded mountain hut in New Mexico to the Sinai Desert, from chanting Sufi dhikr…

    € 15,99
  • Europe 1453-1610 - A. Lovett
    Europe 1453-1610 - A. Lovett

    Voor de inhoud: zie foto 2.

    Auteur : Albert Lovett
    Artikelnummer : BF0805
    Categorie : Geschiedenis / Engelstalige boeken
    Taal : Engels
    ISBN : Niet aanwezig
    Uitgever : The Educational Company
    Druk : 1
    Jaar : 1979
    Pagina's :…

    € 24,10 € 15,99
  • Europe in the Russian mirror - A. Gerschenkrom
    Europe in the Russian mirror - A. Gerschenkrom

    Four lectures in economic history.

    Professor Gerschenkron's theme is the contribution which the study of Russian economic history can make to the problems which have preoccupied Western historians.

    He first considers the way in…

    € 22,50 € 15,99
  • Expansion and reaction - H.L. Wesseling
    Expansion and reaction - H.L. Wesseling

    Voor informatie: zie foto 2.

    Voor de inhoud: zie de foto's 3 en 4.

    Auteur : H.L. Wesseling
    Artikelnummer : BF3801 n
    Categorie(ën) : Geschiedenis / Engelstalige boeken
    Taal : Engels
    ISBN : Niet aanwezig
    Uitgever : Leiden…

    € 15,99
  • Fathomless Riches - R. Coles
    Fathomless Riches - R. Coles

    The Reverend Richard Coles is a parish priest in Northamptonshire and a regular host of BBC Radio 4's Saturday Live. He is also the only vicar in Britain to have had a number 1 hit single: the Communards' 'Don't Leave Me This Way'…

    € 15,99
  • Francesco's Venice - F. da Mosto
    Francesco's Venice - F. da Mosto

    The dramatic history of the world's most beautiful city.

    Venice's rich history is explored by a resident historian, and descendent from a patrician Ventian family in this beautifully illustrated study. Readers are guided from 5th…

    € 15,99
  • Freeing the natural voice - K. Linklater
    Freeing the natural voice - K. Linklater

    Describes the mechanics of the voice and obstacles of spontaneous, effective vocal expression and details exercises for developing and strengthening the voice as a human and actor's instrument.

    Het boek is geïllustreerd.


    € 15,99
  • French art - A. Chastel
    French art - A. Chastel

    Prehistory to the Middle Ages.

    Auteur : Andre Chastel
    Artikelnummer : BF1762
    Categorie : Kunst en schilderkunst / Engelstalige boeken
    Taal : Engels
    ISBN : 9782080135667
    Uitgever : Flammarion
    Druk : 1
    Jaar : 1994
    Pagina's :…

    € 15,99
  • From Munich to the Liberation, 1938-1944 - J.-P. Azema
    From Munich to the Liberation, 1938-1944 - J.-P. Azema

    This is a vivid and highly readable account of the most complex and disturbing series of events in French history since the Revolution, which makes use of literature and films in addition to a vast range of more conventional…

    € 15,99
  • God's jury - C. Murphy
    God's jury - C. Murphy

    The Inquisition and the Making of the Modern World.

    Established by the Catholic Church in 1231, the Inquisition continued in one form or another for almost seven hundred years. Though associated with the persecution of heretics…

    € 15,99
  • Gospel truth? - G. Stanton
    Gospel truth? - G. Stanton

    Voor informatie: zie foto 2.

    Voor de inhoud: zie foto 3.

    Inclusief 17 illustraties.

    Auteur : Graham Stanton
    Artikelnummer : BF6580
    Categorie : Godsdienst en theologie / Engelstalige boeken
    Taal : Engels
    ISBN :…

    € 15,99
  • Great Naval Battles of the twentieth century - W.H. Honan
    Great Naval Battles of the twentieth century - W.H. Honan

    An anthology of essays by historians, journalists and writers which describe great naval battles from the Spanish-American War in 1898 to the Falklands conflict in 1982.

    Inclusief foto's en een uitklap landkaart.

    Voor de inhoud:…

    € 15,99
  • Guiding learning teaching - C. van Velzen
    Guiding learning teaching - C. van Velzen

    Academisch proefschrift.

    Towards a pedagogy of work-based teacher education.

    Voor de inhoud: zie foto 2.

    Auteur : Corinne van Velzen
    Artikelnummer : BF0213
    Categorie : Studie en management / Engelstalige boeken
    Taal :…

    € 15,99
  • Historians against history - D.W. Noble
    Historians against history - D.W. Noble

    The Frontier Thesis and the National Convenant in American Historical Writing since 1830.

    Voor informatie: zie foto 2.

    Voor de inhoud: zie foto 3.

    Auteur : David W. Noble
    Artikelnummer : BF4553
    Categorie(ën) : Geschiedenis /…

    € 15,99
  • History and its images - F. Haskell
    History and its images - F. Haskell

    In this engrossing book, an eminent art historian surveys the ways that historians have made use of visual sources-sculptures, paintings, coins, and other relics-in their attempts to understand and visualize the past. Francis…

    € 15,99


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