Engelstalige boeken / English language books

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per pagina
  • Wonderful life - S.J. Gould
    Wonderful life - S.J. Gould

    High in the Canadian Rockies is a small limestone quarry formed 530 million years ago called the Burgess Shale. It hold the remains of an ancient sea where dozens of strange creatures lived-a forgotten corner of evolution…

    € 9,99
  • Annuals of system research, volume 2 - B. van Rootselaar
    Annuals of system research, volume 2 - B. van Rootselaar

    The Netherlands Society for Systems Research was founded on 9 May 1970 to promote interdisciplinary scientific activity on basis of a systems approach.

    Publikatie van de Systeemgroep Nederland. Publication of the Netherlands…

    € 24,85 € 17,99
  • Architectures of Russian Identity, 1500 to present - J. Cracraft / D. Rowland
    Architectures of Russian Identity, 1500 to present - J. Cracraft / D. Rowland

    From the royal pew of Ivan the Terrible, to Catherine the Great's use of landscape, to the struggles between the Orthodox Church and preservationists in post-Soviet Yaroslavl―across five centuries of Russian history, Russian…

    € 33,85 € 19,99
  • Attitude Measurement - G.F. Summers
    Attitude Measurement - G.F. Summers

    Voor de inhoud; zie de foto's 2, 3 en 4.

    Auteur : Gene F. Summers
    Artikelnummer : BF0231
    Categorie : Psychologie / Engelstalige boeken
    Taal : Engels
    ISBN : 9780901665102
    Uitgever : Rand McNally& Company
    Druk : 2
    Jaar :…

    € 15,99
  • The Art of SEO - E. Enge / S. Spencer / J. Stricchiola / R. Fishkin
    The Art of SEO - E. Enge / S. Spencer / J. Stricchiola / R. Fishkin

    A well-designed, easy-to-navigate website is useless if no one can find it. In this book, four experts help you optimize your site for search engine visibility, using proven guidelines and cutting-edge techniques for planning and…

    € 41,00 € 29,99
  • Erectile dysfunction in primary care - B.-J. de Boer
    Erectile dysfunction in primary care - B.-J. de Boer

    The Enigma-study.


    Auteur : Bert-Jan de Boer
    Artikelnummer : BF0223
    Categorie : Gezondheid en medisch / antiquarische boeken / Engelstalige boeken
    Taal : Engels / Nederlands
    ISBN : 909018080x /…

    € 25,99 € 19,99
  • Symptomatology, Prognosis and Treatment of Primary Billiary Cirrhosis and Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis / P.C.J. ter Borg
    Symptomatology, Prognosis and Treatment of Primary Billiary Cirrhosis and Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis / P.C.J. ter Borg

    Proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam op gezag van de rector magnificus Prof. dr. S.W.J. Lamberts en volgens besluit van het College voor Promoties. De openbare verdediging zal…

    € 14,99
  • Congenital muscular dystrophy - Q.H. Leijten
    Congenital muscular dystrophy - Q.H. Leijten

    Clinical and morphological studies. Een wetenschappelijke proeve op het gebied van de Medische Wetenschappen.

    Proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen, volgens besluit van het…

    € 14,99
  • Playing, Leadership and Team Development in Innovative Teams - H.D. Hohn
    Playing, Leadership and Team Development in Innovative Teams - H.D. Hohn

    Proefschrift, inclusief een lijst nmet stellingen.

    Voor de inhoud: zie foto 2 en 3.

    Auteur : Helga Dorothee Hohn, geboren in 1952 te Stuttgart, Duitsland
    Artikelnummer : BF0214
    Categorie : Studie en management / Engelstalige…

    € 12,99
  • Guiding learning teaching - C. van Velzen
    Guiding learning teaching - C. van Velzen

    Academisch proefschrift.

    Towards a pedagogy of work-based teacher education.

    Voor de inhoud: zie foto 2.

    Auteur : Corinne van Velzen
    Artikelnummer : BF0213
    Categorie : Studie en management / Engelstalige boeken
    Taal :…

    € 15,99
  • Communications and performance in teams - P. Rasker
    Communications and performance in teams - P. Rasker


    Voor de inhoud: zie de foto's 2 en 3.

    Auteur : Peter Rasker
    Artikelnummer : BF0208
    Categorie : Studie en management / Engelstalige boeken
    Taal : Engels
    ISBN : 9064647585 / 9789064647581
    Uitgever : In eigen…

    € 13,99
  • Cutting Edge Commercials - J. Aitchison
    Cutting Edge Commercials - J. Aitchison

    This is the definitive step-by-step guide to creating cutting edge television commercials, exploring everything from how television communicates, how planners contribute new insights, how to get great television ideas, how…

    € 32,20 € 19,99
  • Asking to die - D.C. Thomasma / T. Kimbrough-Kusher / G.K. Kingsma / C. Ciesielski-Carlucci
    Asking to die - D.C. Thomasma / T. Kimbrough-Kusher / G.K. Kingsma / C. Ciesielski-Carlucci

    Claim was that he had faced a conflict of duties pitting his legal duty not to kill against his duty as a physician to relieve his patient's unbearable suffering. He was acquitted on the important grounds of conflict of duty.…

    € 13,99
  • Quantum learning. Unleashing the genious in you - B. DePorter / M. Hernacki
    Quantum learning. Unleashing the genious in you - B. DePorter / M. Hernacki

    Learning Was Never Like This !
    Take control of your life... free your natural genius to perform to its true potential. Quantum Learning features a revolutionary new format that introduces the reader to a world of learning unlike…

    € 13,99
  • Short sea: long war - J. de S. Winser
    Short sea: long war - J. de S. Winser

    De auteur beschrijft in dit boek de veelomvattende geschiedenis van de Nederlandse, Engelse en Franse Kanaalveerboten gedurende de Tweede Wereldoorlog, evenals die van de schepen van de British Railways, de Isle of Man Steam…

    € 19,99
  • In the Shadow of the Vine - M. Rissik
    In the Shadow of the Vine - M. Rissik

    The powerful story of a passionate woman... fighting to restore the former glory of het family's estate.

    Auteur : Maureen Rissik
    Artikelnummer : BF0193
    Categorie : Romans / Engelstalige boeken
    Taal : Engels
    ISBN : 0333518691 /…

    € 15,99
  • Seven floors high - S. Goddard
    Seven floors high - S. Goddard

    Seven floors high is based around a true story of life inside iaxis, a London based start-up during the DotCom boom. Written with style and humour, the story is a personal account of one individual who saw the "paper tiger" from…

    € 19,99
  • Roget's Super Thesaurus - M. McCutcheon
    Roget's Super Thesaurus - M. McCutcheon

    Roget's Super Thesaurus is a perennial favorite among writers, and this latest edition has more than 1,000 new and expanded entries. This timesaving reference will help you find the perfect synonym or antonym to give your writing…

    € 15,99
  • Pakket a 3x Philippa Gregory - P. Gregory
    Pakket a 3x Philippa Gregory - P. Gregory

    Dit pakket bestaat uit:

    1. The White Princess. The haunting story of the mother of the Tudors, Elizabeth of York, wife to Henry VII. Beautiful eldest daughter of Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville - the White Queen - the young…

    € 21,95 € 15,99
  • Fiasco - T.E. Ricks
    Fiasco - T.E. Ricks

    A military chronicle of the Iraq war is a critical assessment of America's role as viewed from the firsthand perspectives of senior military officers that argues that the guerrilla insurgency that took place in the months after…

    € 13,99
  • Paris - E. Rutherfurd
    Paris - E. Rutherfurd

    City of love. City of splendour. City of terror. City of dreams. Inspired by the haunting, passionate story of the city of lights, this epic novel weaves a gripping tale of four families across the centuries: from the lies that…

    € 13,99


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