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  • Absolutism and Ruling Class - J.P. LeDonne
    Absolutism and Ruling Class - J.P. LeDonne

    The Formation of the Russian Political Order, 1700-1825.

    This book is the first comprehensive examination of the Russian ruling elite and its political institutions during an important period of state building, from the emergence…

    € 49,40 € 29,99
  • Authoritarianism, fascism, and national populism - G. Germani
    Authoritarianism, fascism, and national populism - G. Germani

    Voor de samenvatting: zie foto 2.

    Voor de inhoud: zie foto 3.

    Auteur : Gino Germani
    Artikelnummer : BF1021
    Categorie(ën) : Sociologie/ Engelstalige boeken
    Taal : Engels
    ISBN : 0878556427 / 9780878556427
    Uitgever : Transaction…

    € 42,95 € 29,99
  • Het PTK-evaluatieonderzoek - H.P.G.M. Caminada
    Het PTK-evaluatieonderzoek - H.P.G.M. Caminada

    Een vergelijkend onderzoek naar het direkte effekt van twee kortdurende vrijheidsstraffen.

    Proefschrift, met losse lijst met stellingen.

    Voor de inhoud: zie de foto's 2 en 3.

    Auteur : Henricus Petrus Gerardus Maria…

    € 49,60 € 34,99
  • SA30 Hervaeus Natalis O.P.  De quattuor materiis, vol. 1 - L.M. de Rijk
    SA30 Hervaeus Natalis O.P. De quattuor materiis, vol. 1 - L.M. de Rijk

    S.A. = Studia Artistarum.

    Hervaeus Natalis (c. 1260, Nedellec, diocese of Treguir, Brittany -1323) was a Dominican theologian, the 14th Master of the Dominicans, and the author of a number of works on philosophy and theology.…

    € 44,50 € 34,99
  • in prijs verlaagd

    The language of MA the primal mother - A. van der Meer
    The language of MA the primal mother - A. van der Meer

    Venus Art reflects the consciousness of egalitarian societies of peace in which women and feminine values play or have played a central role, and where MA or the MATER or MOTHER and the primal mothers of the clan are central.


    € 49,50 € 35,99
  • Hooliganism. Crime, culture and power in St. Petersburg, 1900-1914 - J. Neuberger
    Hooliganism. Crime, culture and power in St. Petersburg, 1900-1914 - J. Neuberger

    In this pioneering analysis of diffuse underclass anger that simmers in many societies, Joan Neuberger takes us to the streets of St. Petersburg in 1900-1914 to show us how the phenomenon labeled hooliganism came to symbolize all…

    € 64,25 € 36,49
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    Imperial Russian foreign policy - H. Ragsdale
    Imperial Russian foreign policy - H. Ragsdale

    With contributions from both Russia and the West, this new book aims to demythologise a field hitherto dominated by suspicion and fear, that of Russian foreign policy. The book claims that the tsar was directly responsible for the…

    € 60,10 € 37,99
  • Unfree labor. American slavery and Russian serfdom - P. Kolchin
    Unfree labor. American slavery and Russian serfdom - P. Kolchin

    The American enslavement of blacks and the Russian subjection of serfs flourished in different ways and varying degrees until legally abolished in the mid-19th century. Kolchin compares and contrasts the two systems over time,…

    € 50,35 € 39,99
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    Britain and the last tsar - K. Neilson
    Britain and the last tsar - K. Neilson

    This reinterpretation of British foreign and defence policy before World War I argues that British policies were determined not by a fear of Wilhelmine Germany, but rather by a desire to protect British interests abroad, which…

    € 61,90 € 46,99
  • The Great Siberian Migration - D.W. Treadgold
    The Great Siberian Migration - D.W. Treadgold

    What were the causes, characteristics, and effects of the great flood of migration over the Ural Mountains into Siberia in the late 19th and 20th centuries? The author studies the background conditions fostering the migration and…

    € 68,10 € 49,99
  • United Government and Foreign Policy in Russia, 1900-1914 - D. MacLaren McDonald
    United Government and Foreign Policy in Russia, 1900-1914 - D. MacLaren McDonald

    In 1904 a small, distant war brought Russia to the brink of internal collapse - and yet within ten years the country embroiled itself in an incomparably larger conflict close to home. How the war with Japan and its aftermath…

    € 80,10 € 59,99
  • in prijs verlaagd

    The disintegration of the Soviet Union - B. Fowkes
    The disintegration of the Soviet Union - B. Fowkes

    The author draws on a wide range of sources to illustrate the growth of national awareness among the many subject peoples, partly promoted by the actions of the communists themselves. He concludes that, the efforts of Mikhail…

    € 119,98 € 79,99
  • Set a 2x Gesammelte Abhandlungen - O. Hintze
    Set a 2x Gesammelte Abhandlungen - O. Hintze

    Deze set bestaat uit:

    1. Staat und Verfassung

    2. Soziologie und Geschichte.

    Voor informatie: zie de foto's 2 en 3.

    Voor de inhoud: zie de foto's 4 (1.) en 5 (2.).

    Auteur : Otto Hintze
    Artikelnummer : BF8201
    Categorie(ën) :…

    € 126,50 € 86,49
  • De scheppende kracht van de natie - E. Swart
    De scheppende kracht van de natie - E. Swart

    Het liberalisme volgens Thorbecke.

    "De vrijheid zal het laatst aan het woord blijven, want zij is op een eeuwige wet gegrond. Men versta evenwel onder vrijheid niet uitheid niet uitsluitend die van individuen."

    "Uitsluiting van…

    € 15.999,00
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