Studie en management
Sjakie’s prijzen zijn INCLUSIEF VERZENDKOSTEN, binnen Nederland; naar het buitenland: met toeslag.
- Set a 2x Comprehensive textbook of psychiatry III - A.N. Freedman e.a.
U ontvangt 2 boeken: volume 1 en volume 2, in een bijpassende kartonnen cassette (foto 2).
Auteurs : Alfred M. Freedman / Harold I. Kaplan / Benjamin J. Sadock
Artikelnummer : BF0410
Categorie : Gezondheid en medisch / studie en…€ 52,90 € 39,99 - Set a 2x The Cambridge economic history of Europe - E.E. Rich / C.H. Wilson
Deze set bevat:
1. deel IV: The economy of expanding Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries.
2. deel V: The economic organization of Early Modern Europe.
Voor informatie: zie foto 2.
Voor de inhoud: zie de foto's 3, 4 en 5 (1.)…€ 56,95 € 39,99 - Shared Services - D.S. Schulman / J.R. Dunleavy / M.J. Harmer - J.S. Lusk
One of the ways companies are looking for competitive advantage in this frenetic [business] environment through the use of a tactical technique called shared services...In this book, we bridge [the] chasm between the theory…
€ 39,99 in prijs verlaagd
The Ottoman Empire and the Dutch Republic - A.H. de GrootProefschrift. Inclusief 12 plates.
Voor informatie: zie de foto's 2 en 3.
Voor de inhoud: zie de foto's 4 en 5.
Voor de voorzijde van het boek: zie foto 6.
Auteur : Alexander Hendrik de Groot ( 1943)
Artikelnummer :…€ 53,90 € 39,99- Education and social mobility in the Soviet Union, 1921-1934 - S. Fitzpatrick
This is a history of Soviet education policy 1921–34 that places special emphasis upon the theme of social mobility through education. One of the hitherto untold stories of Soviet history is the making of the 'Brezhnev…
€ 67,95 € 46,99 - The COROL 85 Example Book - J. Garfunkel
A comprehensive exposition of the new Cobol-85 language, discussing nearly every new and changed feature in the revised version. Details Cobol-85's potential impact on programs written in Cobol-68 and Cobol-74, giving guidance on…
€ 63,00 € 49,95 - Among men, among women
Sociological and historical recognition of homosocial arrangements. Gay-studies and women's studies.
Inclusief zwart/wit illustraties.
Voor de inhoud: zie de foto's 2, 3 en 4.
Auteur : Zie uitgever
Artikelnummer :…€ 95,95 € 49,99 - Partners in success. Boston Pizza and the art of franchising - D. Stoffman
From one storefront in Edmonton, Alberta, Boston Pizza has grown into the most-visited casual dining restaurant chain in Canada. It has more than 225 restaurants in Canada, the United States and Mexico, and continues to grow…
€ 72,95 € 49,99 - The economics of beer - J.F.M. Swinnen
Beer has been consumed across the globe for centuries and was the drink of choice in many ancient societies. Today it is the most important alcoholic drink worldwide, in terms of volume and value. The largest brewing companies…
€ 67,35 € 49,99 - The Tsarist Secret Police in Russian society, 1880-1917 - F.S. Zuckerman
Voor informatie: zie foto 2.
Voor de inhoud: zie de foto's 3 en 4.
Auteur : Fredric S. Zuckerman, Senior Lecturer in History, University of Adelaide
Artikelnummer : BF7834
Categorie : Studie en management / geschiedenis /…€ 79,80 € 49,99 in prijs verlaagd
Complex Systems Theory and Development Practice - S. RahiniIn this text, development studies encounters what is popularly known as "chaos theory" - ideas which in the natural sciences have usurped Newtonian certainties about the simple linearity of physical phenomena, causality and…
€ 85,00 € 59,99- eSourcing Capability Model for Service Providers - E.B. Hyder / M.C. Paulk / K.M. Heston / B. Hefley
The eSourcing Capability Model for Service Providers (eSCM-SP) is the best practices model that supports sourcing organizations successfully manage and reduce their risks and improve their capabilities across the entire sourcing…
€ 95,95 € 59,99 - Ons zonnestelsel en nog wat meer - X. Westland
Ons Zonnestelsel, een wonder in de ruimte. Een wonder want waarom blijft het zo keurig op haar plaats en waarom blijven de planeten zo netjes in een soort vaste baan rond de Zon? Hoe groot is de kans dat we op de Aarde door een…
€ 80,85 € 59,99 - Preventive strategies on Suicide - R.F.W. Diekstra / W. Gulbinat / I. Kienhorst / D. de Leo
Recent estimates by The World Health Organisation and The World Bank indicate that throughout the world each and every year more than 800.000 persons die as a consequence of suicide. This means that the death toll of suicide…
€ 84,70 € 59,99 in prijs verlaagd
Set a 2x Die Emblematischen Elemente im Werke Joris Hoefnagels - Th.A.G.Wilberg Vignau-SchuurmanProefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor in de letteren aan de Rijksuniversiteit Leiden.
Inclusief een losse lijst met stellingen.
Deze set bestaat uit 2 paperbacks:
1. deel 1
2. deel 2.
Auteur : Theodora Alida…€ 73,85 € 59,99- Anticipating and Assessing Health Care Technology, volume 5
This book deals with the construction of correct extensions of extremal problems including problems of multicriterial optimization and more general problems of optimization with respect to a cone. These questions need to be…
€ 101,90 € 63,99 in prijs verlaagd
FMEA Fehlermöglichkeits- und einflussanalyse in der industriellen Praxis - W.D. FrankeVoor de inhoud: zie de foto's 2 en 3.
Auteur : Wolf D. Franke
Artikelnummer : BF8399
Categorie : Studie en management / Duitstalige boeken
Taal : Duits
ISBN : 3478412803 / 9783478412803
Uitgever : Verlag Moderne Industrie
Druk :…€ 102,00 € 69,99- Intellectual property law in the Netherlands - P.L. Reeskamp
Intellectual Property Law in The Netherlands deals with IP rights, unfair competition law, internet-related aspects, and procedural law aspects. Since Dutch IP law is of an increasingly European character, the relevant EC law…
€ 100,25 € 69,99 in prijs verlaagd
Monomers, polymers and composites from renewable resources - M.N. Belgacem / A. GandiniThe progressive dwindling of fossil resources, coupled with the drastic increase in oil prices, have sparked a feverish activity in search of alternatives based on renewable resources for the production of energy.
Given the…€ 108,00 € 69,99- Set a 2x Personality and Learning Theory - R.B. Cattell
Deze set bestaat uit:
- deel 1: The Structure of Personality in Its Environment
- deel 2: A Systems Theory of Maturation and Structured Learning.
Voor de inhoud: zie de foto's 2, 3, 4 en 5 (1.) en 6 (2.).
Auteur : Raymond B.…€ 96,45 € 69,99 - Shared Services in Finance and Accounting - T.O. Bangemann
Most large companies worldwide today have some kind of shared services concept in place. Over half of the medium and large companies are currently engaged in some kind of shared service project activity. The investment in shared…
€ 115,00 € 69,99